Security of rare books as a possible object of study in Information Science


  • Raphael Diego GREENHALGH
  • Miriam Paula MANINI


Librarianship, Information science, Rare book, Security against theft


There is no consensus about the limits of Information Science as there is not only one definition for the concept of information itself. The aim Information Science by analyzing definitions and concepts of information available in the literature. It also addresses the characteristics of Rare Books as documents with/containing individual and collective memory, transcending the idea that the book is simply a carrier of information, but rather an informational object. This perception borrows ideas from Buckland, along with the paradigms described by Capurro which, regarding the physical paradigm, shows Information Science concerned with the information needs focused on the document, i.e., with the information provided by objects with informational value.


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How to Cite

GREENHALGH, R. D. ., & MANINI, M. P. . (2013). Security of rare books as a possible object of study in Information Science. Transinformação, 25(3). Retrieved from


