A system of indicators for monitoring and evaluating the sustainable management of cultural heritage


  • Vicente COLL-SERRANO


Delphi, Strategy for culture and development, Cultural heritage, Public policy, Monitoring and evaluation, System of indicators


This paper describes the general procedure followed to build a system of indicators for monitoring and evaluating the Strategy for Culture and Development of Spanish Cooperation. Taking the Sustainable Management of Cultural Heritage as a reference, in this study an approach is made to questions relative to: 1) the process of evaluating a list of indicators by a panel of experts using the Delphi technique, 2) the definition and calculation of a relative operational index, 3) the process of indicator selection, and lastly, 4) how the selected indicators were assigned to form part of the basic or strategic dimension on which the system is structured. 


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How to Cite

COLL-SERRANO, V. ., BLASCO-BLASCO, O. ., CARRASCO-ARROYO, S., & VILA-LLADOSA, L. . (2013). A system of indicators for monitoring and evaluating the sustainable management of cultural heritage. Transinformação, 25(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/6131


