Using open data technology to connect libraries, archives and museums: a Machadian case


  • Antonio Laurindo dos SANTOS NETO
  • Durval Vieira PEREIRA
  • Eliana Rosa da FONSECA
  • Iara Vidal Pereira de SOUZA
  • Nilson BARBOSA
  • Rosana Portugal Tavares de MORAES
  • Sergio de Castro MARTINS


Linked Open Data, Machado de Assis, Ontologies, Resource Description Framework, Semantic web


The article proposes a fictional case to exemplify the use of linked open data technologies as a mechanism of interoperability between collections in libraries, archives and museums using Brazilian author Machado de Assis and his works as an example. The method used was a restricted, illustrative and non-exhaustive case study. Several vocabularies were used to interconnect the data and to represent these connections in Resource Description Framework format. It was concluded that it is possible to integrate data using Linked Data principles, and suggests that information professionals take advantage of this potential, discovering new applications of these technologies to amplify the interoperability between data available on the Web.


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How to Cite

dos SANTOS NETO, A. L. ., Vieira PEREIRA, D. ., da FONSECA, E. R. ., Vidal Pereira de SOUZA, I. ., BARBOSA, N. ., Portugal Tavares de MORAES, R. ., & de Castro MARTINS, S. . (2013). Using open data technology to connect libraries, archives and museums: a Machadian case. Transinformação, 25(1). Retrieved from


