Normativity, technicity and/or scientificity of Librarianship


  • Jonathas Luiz CARVALHO SILVA


Librarianship, Scientificity, Normativity, Technicity


A condition is presented as a problematic issue that can be discussed from the following question: how does the process of construction of normativity, technicity and/or scientificity Librarianship occur? Discusses the construction of normativity, technicity and/or scientificity of Librarianship contemplating the prospects within the organization and processing of information, sources, resources and information services, professional practices and studies focusing on users. The study also examines the concept of norm and technique within the scope of science and applied research Librarianship, trying to reflect on the relevance of Information Science for the scientific and normative constructs of Librarianship. The methodology consists of an exploratory research with a bibliographic design. It was concluded that the Library has an essentially technical-normative connotation, but also has a scientific concept based on the contributions of Information Science to the context of user studies, technologies and other elements, in addition to other areas of knowledge of a social and technological nature. 


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How to Cite

CARVALHO SILVA, J. L. . (2013). Normativity, technicity and/or scientificity of Librarianship. Transinformação, 25(1). Retrieved from

