The semiotic fold of cyberespace: from the visible to the invisible web


  • Silvana Drumond MONTEIRO
  • Marcos Vinicius FIDENCIO


Cyberspace, Semiotics fold, Invisible web, Visible web


After the institution of cyberspace in the 1990s, the Web has become its main construct and has been folding and unfolding in several directions: Invisible Web, Visible Web, Semantic Web, Pragmatic Web, Web 2.0 or Social, among others. In particular, the Invisible Web, according to the authors who write on the subject, there is a disturbing question: what to call this (un)territory? Invisible Web, Deep, Hidden, Dark? From understanding the concept of fold, created by Leibniz and reframed by Deleuze, which explains the machinic assemblages and pragmatic view of the technical aspects of semiotics and material, a conceptual exploration of the Invisible Web and of some search engines was made that make the fold with these webs in cyberspace. Going beyond the literature, a Web truly dark was discovered, DarkWeb, parallel and underground, used for good and for evil, as expected of the human species. 


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How to Cite

Drumond MONTEIRO, S. ., & FIDENCIO, M. V. . (2013). The semiotic fold of cyberespace: from the visible to the invisible web. Transinformação, 25(1). Retrieved from


