Analysis of references used by researchers in the journal Gestão & Produção


  • Fabiana Souza de ANDRADE
  • Carlos Fernando JUNG


Bibliometric analysis, Quantitative analysis, Metrics study, Scientific production, References


This article presents the results of a descriptive research with quantitative approach and strategy based on the documentary method, with the aim of analyzing the references listed in articles appearing in regular publications of the Journal “Gestão & Produção” by adapting the concepts of bibliometric citation analysis. Given the objective of the research, an analysis was made of the reference lists specifying: 1) how subjects investigated the documents referenced in the articles, 2) as elements of deterministic variables obtained by analyzing references and, 3) as the type of bibliographic research resource. Based on these parameters, documents were analyzed used in the theoretical basis of the articles by means of identification, mapping and quantitative determination: a) of the items listed in each study; b) the mean life of the literature; c) the language; d) the frequency of use of references and; e) research front. As a result, the main aspects of the sources of researches on which studies in Production Engineering and its sub areas are based were mapped. 


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How to Cite

Souza de ANDRADE, F. ., & JUNG, C. F. . (2013). Analysis of references used by researchers in the journal Gestão & Produção. Transinformação, 25(1). Retrieved from


