Threshold for the determination of the digital breach: Comparative among developed regions




Digital divide, Social inequality, Methodolgical tools, Information society


This piece of work has a main goal: setting a percentage scale that serves as a methodological basis in order to determine the digital
breach existence or not among regions technologically developed. Once the scientific literature is analysed we can observe a clear
deficiency because we don not have a studied basis that can determine under which parameters we can talk about Digital Breach when we are comparing different regions. Moreover, we contextualize the issue with a brief description of the basic concepts for the study, such as the Information Society issue, and in a deeper way, the Digital Breach. The scales suggested are valid and acceptable for geographical zones with a high level on Information and Communication Technologies, not being an acceptable approach for underdeveloped regions or starter regions with the technological transformation. Hence, four levels of digital breach are suggested that are suitable with the percentage scales: 1%-5%, 6%-10%, 11%-15%, more than 16%, respectively. 


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How to Cite

MENDOZA-RUANO, J.-J. ., & CALDERA-SERRANO, J. . (2014). Threshold for the determination of the digital breach: Comparative among developed regions. Transinformação, 26(2). Retrieved from


