Informação, memória e ciberespaço: considerações preliminares no campo da Ciência da Informação no Brasil


  • Fabiana Aparecida LAZZARIN
  • Carlos Xavier de AZEVEDO NETTO
  • Marckson Roberto Ferreira de SOUSA


The aim of this paper is to discuss the relationship between information and memory within the realm of cyberspace, considering that cyberspace is a multimodal environment characterized by the frequent updating of information. Based on authors in the field of
Information Science, the present research seeks to identify potential problems that have been superseding the memory in the virtual environment. To achieve our goal, we conducted a review of the empirical literature between 2010 and 2011 using papers presented at the meetings of the National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Information Science, particularly those in the Working Group 10: Information and Memory. We analyzed seventy papers of which only thirteen addressed the following
issues: information, memory and cyberspace. After the analysis, it appears that some of the authors’ concerns related to the potential problems of supersession of the existing memory in cyberspace are: tension between remembering and forgetting, and the veracity of disseminated information.


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How to Cite

LAZZARIN, F. A. ., Xavier de AZEVEDO NETTO, C. ., & Ferreira de SOUSA, M. R. . (2015). Informação, memória e ciberespaço: considerações preliminares no campo da Ciência da Informação no Brasil. Transinformação, 27(1). Retrieved from


