Avaliação do monitoramento de notícias: a perspectiva do usuário final


  • Ariane Barbosa LEMOS
  • Mônica Erichsen NASSIF


The aim of this study was to evaluate media monitoring service, formalized in print media clipping, based on the analysis of information behavior of users in organizations in Minas Gerais. We sought to identify information needs of users and the use of information found in clippings. The sample consisted of 16 private, public and non-governmental organizations, representatives of the three sectors of economy. We used the Sense-Making approach, under the trinomial situation-gap-use. The users we consulted, without distinction, understood the meaning of business information, confirming that clipping helps them make decisions or solve problems. The study suggests the development of tools for periodic service evaluation with the aim of increasing levels of use and confidence of users. 


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How to Cite

Barbosa LEMOS, A. ., & Erichsen NASSIF, M. . (2015). Avaliação do monitoramento de notícias: a perspectiva do usuário final. Transinformação, 27(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/6051


