A publicação de dados governamentais abertos: proposta de revisão da classe sobre Previdência Social do Vocabulário Controlado do Governo Eletrônico


  • Cláudio José Silva RIBEIRO
  • Durval Vieira PEREIRA


The aim of the paper is to examine the controlled vocabulary class on Social Security of the Electronic Government, investigating the
publication of open government data held by the Empresa de Tecnologia e Informações da Previdência Social. This is an exploratory
study with the purpose of proposing a vocabulary class revision on Social Security in the domain of the Brazilian Electronic Government, in order to expand and correct representation of the area. The methodology used was as follows: (1) literature research and review; (2) selection of the thematic class that will be studied; (3) analysis of the aspects related to categorization, use of language (natural or artificial); coverage of terms belonging to the scope of the vocabulary class studied, and relationships between the terms; (4) suggestions for reviewing social security class. The study identifies the structural weakness and conceptual inconsistencies found in the vocabulary. We further discuss the need to use consistent vocabulary representation for the data published with the intent of making them readable by machine and shareable among software applications. We affirm that there must be investments in existing vocabularies rather than efforts to develop new representation instruments. We think it is important
that other public bodies, other than Empresa de Tecnologia e Informações da Previdência Social, become interested in
analyzing and proposing changes and updates on classes whose theme contemplates the data managed by them. 


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How to Cite

Silva RIBEIRO, C. J., & Vieira PEREIRA, D. . (2015). A publicação de dados governamentais abertos: proposta de revisão da classe sobre Previdência Social do Vocabulário Controlado do Governo Eletrônico. Transinformação, 27(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/6048


