Estado da arte sobre pesquisa escolar no Brasil


  • Iandara Reis de OLIVEIRA
  • Bernadete Santos CAMPELLO


Studies on the research process in Brazilian schools have been conducted in different areas such as Library/Information Science,Education and Literature. The aim of this study was to establish the state-of-the-art of investigation on the research process in Brazil, covering all fields. The methodology consisted of document analysis of 24 academic documents from 1989 to 2011, of which thirteen were in the field of Library/Information Science, seven in Education, two in Production Engineering, and two in Literature. The analysis showed a contradiction between discourse and practice: studies point out that the theoretical understanding of the research process as an educational principle were present, but they indicate that this understanding was not enough to make it feasible as an effective school practice and most studies identified negative aspects related to the research process. 


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How to Cite

Reis de OLIVEIRA, I. ., & Santos CAMPELLO, B. . (2016). Estado da arte sobre pesquisa escolar no Brasil. Transinformação, 28(2). Retrieved from


