A ciência nas regiões brasileiras: evolução da produção e das redes de colaboração científica


  • Otávio José Guerci SIDONE
  • Eduardo Amaral HADDAD
  • Jesús Pascual MENA-CHALCO


The recent development in Brazilian science is characterized by the rapid growth in scientific output and increased domestic research collaboration. The aim of this paper is to provide evidence on the role of geography in the development of scientific publication and scientific collaboration in Brazil between 1992 and 2009. The procedure adopted enabled the identification of spatial patterns and relative importance of the geographical regions in terms of output, expertise, and scientific interaction with other regions. For this study, we developed (i) a unique database with over one million researchers and seven million publications registered in the Brazilian Lattes Platform and (ii) a set of scientific collaboration networks among Brazilian regions and states. Although the main results of the paper indicate spatial heterogeneity and scientific collaboration, there is strong evidence of geographical deconcentration over time associated with the expansion of collaboration networks and increased participation of authors from less traditional scientific regions such as the South and Northeast. We found significant differences among regional distribution of publications and spatial network configurations in each area of knowledge. The study points to the importance of scientific collaboration networks on the policy formulation for Science, Technology and Innovation in Brazil to promote the regional deconcentration of scientific activities and therefore promote regional development of less privileged regions. 


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How to Cite

Guerci SIDONE, O. J. ., Amaral HADDAD, E., & Pascual MENA-CHALCO, J. . (2016). A ciência nas regiões brasileiras: evolução da produção e das redes de colaboração científica. Transinformação, 28(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/6008


