Método para el estudio de la producción informativa: medios digitales de Portugal




The present investigation proposes a method of analysis of information production of digital media. The method employed consists
of the analysis of information production, which can be collected from syndication channels in the press media, radio and digital
television. The syndication channels of digital media in Portugal has been taken as an example case as a result of the collaboration of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. The sources of analyzed information were classified according to their geographical location and theme. The aggregation system used has allowed the organization of media according to typology and data obtention, such as: the quantity of information published by regions, news ratio by syndication channel and region, number of syndication channels and news according to thematic coverage, retrospective resilience, average production per day and fractions, and detection of news that had the greatest impact on the sample analyzed. The obtained results have allowed the characterization and definition of the publication patterns of media in Portugal. On the other hand, we proposed a full-text classification method that has allowed locating and retrieving information with the highest impact.


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How to Cite

BLÁZQUEZ OCHANDO, M. . (2017). Método para el estudio de la producción informativa: medios digitales de Portugal. Transinformação, 29(3). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/6004


