Los estudios de Grado en Información y Documentación en España. De los antecedentes a la situación actual: una visión crítica


  • Antonio Muñoz-Cañavate
  • Verónica Larios-Suárez


University studies in Documentation Sciences in Spain go back to the 1980s with the implementation of the University degree in Librarianship and Documentation. This was followed later by the Licentiate degree (roughly equivalent to the M.A. degree) and Doctorate courses in Documentation. The process of adapting Spain’s university system to the European Space for Higher Education resulted in the appearance of Bachelors’ degree courses in Information and Documentation. This study presents the origin of these degree courses, their development and current situation, and their antecedents, without which, would be impossible to understand the current reality. The so-called “crisis of Documentation studies in Spain” is analyzed, together with the need to rethink the country’s university studies.


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How to Cite

Muñoz-Cañavate, A., & Larios-Suárez, V. . (2018). Los estudios de Grado en Información y Documentación en España. De los antecedentes a la situación actual: una visión crítica. Transinformação, 30(3). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/5971


