Teoria da la inidización: nuevas parámetros de investigación

Theory of indexing: new trends and approaches


  • Antonio García Gutiérrez


Indexação, Análise documentária, Linguística documental


The aulhor seis indexing as a vital process and research field in Documentology. Theory of indexing does not only grow from interdisciplinarity at the epistenological levei but it is also envolved in deep ideological bias. Content analysis in Documentation must be considered from di"erent points of view: Linguistics, Semiotics, Semantics, Psychology or Technology are important fields which feed the theoredical conception of indexing. Traditionalmetods of indexing based on "coicidence" of significantmust be revised having
in mind the poor results obtained from matching, disregarding both concepts and speech context A review on automatic indexing is given: Statisfical and linguistic approaches are not sufficient to meet information growing and complexity. Vectorial indexing based in non-traditional documentary languages (using vectors as main elements of concept structure) is proposed as a theoretical position for cu"ent research on the topic.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez, A. G. (1989). Teoria da la inidización: nuevas parámetros de investigación: Theory of indexing: new trends and approaches. Transinformação, 1(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/1688


