Motivation: library application


  • Carla Witter


Motivatíon, Library, Reínforcement model


The present paper shows definitions of motivation and basíc concepts of behavíor
modífication - stimulí, responses. deprívation, satiation, reinforcement. A reflection on
motivation and its aplícation in líbrary was done with uti/ization of behavioral íssues as
behavirol modífícation and reínforcement. The schedules of reinforcement and íts aplication
in library was focused. Ali topícs were analysed and exemplífied through possíble practice in quotidían of thís ínstituítion the líbrary, íts employers and íts users


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How to Cite

Witter, C. (1990). Motivation: library application. Transinformação, 2(1). Retrieved from


