O espaço quartenário no setor da informação: significado e perspectiva


  • Tânia Maria Botelho
  • Sely Mara Botelho


Quartenary Space, Information, Cultural interdependence


Presents different approaches and concepts of the Quartenary space. Stresses the important role of information to the development of nations in the last decades and its
share in the knowledge intensive industries sector. Reports on other studies worked out on social and economic changes in society, emphasizing occupational and social structures. Analyses perspectives and relationships between Northern and Southern
countries, with particular reference to techno/ogical, economic, social, polítical and cultural aspects. The related issues of interdependence among developing countries and
the high developed ones are treated from a transystemic approach. Evocates the present
scenario in Brasil as a chal/enge to information professionals in the process of change needed in the social and economic leverage.


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How to Cite

Botelho, T. M., & Botelho, S. M. (1990). O espaço quartenário no setor da informação: significado e perspectiva. Transinformação, 2(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/1673


