Problemas de implantação de serviços de informação em países em desenvolvimento

Problems in the information services in developing countries


  • Jaime Robredo
  • Tania Maria Botelho
  • Murilo Bastos da Cunha


Few consultancies to assist developing countries in the area of
information systems have produced long term tangible results. The paper lists the prerequisite conditions for positive results from international
cooperation activity. These conditions are: initial negotiations, environment, infrastructure, conditions of receiving institution, information technologies,
budget and financial resources, human resources.


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How to Cite

Robredo, J., Botelho, T. M., & Cunha, M. B. da. (1990). Problemas de implantação de serviços de informação em países em desenvolvimento: Problems in the information services in developing countries. Transinformação, 2(2/3). Retrieved from


