Job Satlsfactlon: pereeptives of librarianship state university


  • Célia Maria Camargo Campos
  • Cibeli Martins Domingues
  • Eunice Mancebo Rodrigues
  • Nirlei Maria Oliveira


Job satisfaction, libraryans, university library


To verifieate the aspects reiatives to job satisfaetion it was applied to
20 librarians from a University, one seale of job satisfaction, with seven points, in order to study aspects conceming their works's conditions. Various of the dimensions of work had been medium avaliated negative avaliation ocurred with payment and with aspects relatived to promotion. In some points like phisic and human aspects of the enviroment at work the avaliation was positive. In a general way the quality of job satisfaction was positive.


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How to Cite

Campos, C. M. C., Domingues, C. M., Rodrigues, E. M., & Oliveira, N. M. (1991). Job Satlsfactlon: pereeptives of librarianship state university. Transinformação, 3(1/2/3). Retrieved from


