Convergence and divergence: the question of different points of view in psycofogy


  • Luís Cláudio Figueiredo


pensamentos divergentes, ciência, produção cientifica


In this paper current psychological knowledge is viwed as a field of
dispersion; it is constituted by multiple divergent thoughts distributed in different lavels (ontological, epistemological and ethicallavels). Suggestions
are raised as how to work through such divergences in a mature way and how to search for convergent perspectives beyond them. The main point here defended is that we should maintain diversity in unity and unity in diversity,
that is, we should recognize and respect the different Unes of thought and at the same time leam how to understand their interrelations, their origins and
consequences. The different !ines of thought should remain open to continuous questioning.


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How to Cite

Figueiredo, L. C. (1992). Convergence and divergence: the question of different points of view in psycofogy. Transinformação, 4(1/2/3). Retrieved from


