Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação: delineamento de teses e dissertações brasileiras


  • Geraldina Porto Witter
  • Francisco de A. F. Oliveira


Library Science, Science Information, Research desing, Scientific production


Study the dissertations and theses (N= 320) presented in the post-graduation Brazilian courses (Mastership and Doctorate courses), trom 1972 until1992 taking in consideration the design of the research. There are similarity conceming the design used in the scientific production of the various courses. The descriptive and survey design are the predominant ones being scarce the experimental works.


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How to Cite

Witter, G. P., & Oliveira, F. de A. F. (1996). Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação: delineamento de teses e dissertações brasileiras. Transinformação, 8(2). Retrieved from


