Centros referenciais para a pesquisa agropecuária: subsídios para a Embrapa


  • Marcia Izabel Fugisawa Souza
  • Cecília Carmem Cunha Pontes


Referral centres, Referral information, EMBRAPA


Study conducted in the libraries and technology difusion sectors of EMBRAPA to identify: types of users, teehnical and seientitie information demand, service supply and informational products. It suggests an implantation of referral centres ofthe deseentralized units of EMBRAPA; trying to offer referential activities sueh as guidance service to the users, answer and questions services, consultation and teehnical assistance service. Referral centres require formation of databases, which in the case of EMBRAPA, could be made of: products and tecnologies, services, institutions of the research,
extension, technical assistanee, eonsultancy, bibliographie information, equipment catalogue,
researeh projects, ete. Through the criation of referral eentres EMBRAPA eould integrate the PubJie System of Access to Database (ANTARES) of the PADCT, which aim at interlinking of the national instituions which operate the databases and the sharing of their information resources.


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How to Cite

Souza, M. I. F., & Pontes, C. C. C. (1996). Centros referenciais para a pesquisa agropecuária: subsídios para a Embrapa. Transinformação, 8(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/1613


