
  • Marcelo Araújo Franco


Internet, Informatcs, Information theory, Post-modernity


The New Information Technologies created a new virtual environment called Cyberspace where millions of people are connected to, searching for information. Besides supplying information, the cyberspace allows new ways of thinking and live. Because the peculiarity of cyberspace as a digital environment, changes e mutations are frequent at Internet. Internet is an endless multimedia information system in constant change.The difterence between writing
and hipermidia is the possibility of representation thought in a net format. Because of this Internet represents the interface between man's intelligence and machine. So far Internet must be understood as an Intelligence Tecnhology.


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How to Cite

Franco, M. A. (1997). INTERNET: REFLEXÕES FILOSÓFICAS DE UM INFORMATA. Transinformação, 9(2). Retrieved from

