
  • Patrícia Rosas
  • Carlos Alberto Guimarães
  • Luiz Felippe Júdice
  • Carlos Alberto de Castro Pereira
  • Else Beneti Marques Válio


Abstracting and indexing, Controlled Vocabulary, Subject headings, Academic Dissertations, Respiratory diseases


At the IDT-UFRJ medicallibrary, the indexing was performed through a controlled vocabulary - the DeCS (Subject Headings on Health Sciences). The purpose of this
study was to identify if new subject headings,for indexing Master theses on respiratory diseases, should be included in a forthcoming edition. The subject headings of 29 theses were studied. The data collection showed that 29 authors employed 101 subject headings. Fifty-four subject headings were evaluated by three reviewers. They stated
that only 6% of them needed to be included in a new edition of DeCS. In conclusion: DeCS offered good terminology on the subject of respiratory diseases for indexing
Master theses.



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How to Cite

Rosas, P., Guimarães, C. A., Júdice, L. F., Pereira, C. A. de C., & Válio, E. B. M. (1999). ATUALIZAÇÃO DOS DESCRITORES EM CIÊNCIAS DA SAÚDE PARA A INDEXAÇÃO DE DISSERTAÇÕES ACADÊMICAS, NA ÁREA DE DOENÇAS RESPIRATÓRIAS. Transinformação, 11(3). Retrieved from

