The use of Electronic Networks by university teachers


  • Maria Elisabete CATARINO UEL
  • Cecilia Carmem Cunha PONTES Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas


Electronic Network, Internet, Network


Characterize the network structure and access services to Internet as well as the use ofthe electronic networks by thefaculty of Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) to verify the possible co-relations ofdivers variables with the areas ofknowledge. The results demonstrate that UEL Network has a highly technological structure, but it is necessary that the microcomputers and the services be better distributed, and that training programs be offered. The conclusion drawn is that teachers users of the electronic networks are dispersed in all areas of knowledge, the group of Exact Sciences being the most meaningful, mostly doctors and male. For that group the structure of UEL Network is best adequate due to the amount ofequipament available and also because the users are very experienced in using the networks. The use of the electronic networks concentrates basically in the use of Internet, especially for communication and research, and the services mostly used are e-mail, and Web.


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How to Cite

CATARINO, M. E., & Cunha PONTES, C. C. (1999). The use of Electronic Networks by university teachers. Transinformação, 11(2). Retrieved from


