As funções ambientais e as funções de urbanidade das margens de cursos d’água


  • Sandra Soares de Mello


urban-environmental management, riverside spaces, Permanent Preservation Areas, environmental functions, urbanity functions


It is possible to recognize a common trajectory of cities and their rivers. It is a trajectory of attraction and also of conflicts. This article is inserted in a major research which goal consists in investigate, by an integrated approach, the environmental and urbanistic aspects of riverside. The Permanent Preservation Areas (APP), created by the National Forest Code, is a tool to hydric resources protection. Nevertheless, this legal disposition is symptomaticaly not being respected. Various factors can be attributed to this: on one hand, the lack of enlightenment
related to the importance of protection of river margins; on the other hand, the fact that
law do not presents a different treatment to urban areas. In order to investigate these factors, main results of the first research versant are presented: the environmental aspects (biofisics). Secondly, the urban aspects are evaluated; the importance of their insertion on legal basis. Well-founded in judicious planning, based on regional and local peculiarities knowledge, sustainable utilization of riverside spaces is possible, considering their environmental and
urban functions.


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How to Cite

Mello, S. S. de. (2005). As funções ambientais e as funções de urbanidade das margens de cursos d’água. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, (4), 48–61. Retrieved from



Research Article