The signs and the things

a phenomenological reading of architecture




Frampton, Heidegger, Architectural language, Architectural poetics, Tectonic


Based on architectural theorist Kenneth Frampton’s formulation that the act of building is more ontological than representational and that the constructed form is a presence rather than a representation and that the constructed form is rather a presence than a representation, and also based on his statement that, in Martin Heidegger’s terminology, one of the exponents of German phenomenology, we could think of the built form more as a thing than a sign. Some texts from this philosopher’s work are placed under scrutiny, seeking to find in them the tectonic face of the linguistic and the linguistic face of the tectonic. In the background of these discussions, there is tension between the poetic and the instrumental in architectural works. For the presentation of
the object of discussion and definition of its contours, we adopted the dialogic method. To conduct this discussion, we used comparative conceptual analysis.


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How to Cite

Cunha e Silva, L. F. (2024). The signs and the things: a phenomenological reading of architecture. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, 21, 1–17.


