Childing urbanism

a child's contribution to discussion of cities




Becoming, Right to the city, Urban childhoods, Contemporary urbanism


The article presents the results of the research whose objective of reviewing the ways and ways of childhood relations with the city, deals with the experience of
appropriating public spaces from walks with groups of children. In this way, the reflection is lurking in the logic of subversion of everyday life, constituting maps through theoretical paths and conceptual articulations that contribute to the opening of a dialogue between
children and the city. The methodological procedures
of walking, mapping and analyzing the spaces covered, were practiced with devices for apprehending the
paths, allowing the elaboration of an urban child as a map resulting from the research. Children combine
a smaller expression characteristic of childhood
with contemporaneity, providing a reworking of the
frameworks for observing the use of space and its
implications for urban form. With this, the observation
of childhood places in cities, engender an empirical
plan that runs through the production of space in
Henri Lefebvre and the urban experience manifested
in the designs of the playgrounds of the architect
Aldo van Eyck.


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Author Biography

Carolina Mesquita Clasen, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo | Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo


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How to Cite

Mesquita Clasen, C. (2023). Childing urbanism: a child’s contribution to discussion of cities. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, 20.



Research Article