
(re)territorialization and perspectives




Precarious settlements, Refugee camp, Forced migration, Territories


The world population has been growing at about 1% per year. The number of refugees increases at an annual rate of up to 10%. Geopolitical reasons, wars, discrimination, famine, climatic events, sexual harassment, social, political, and cultural persecution, economic weaknesses, etc. cause people to flee
to other countries or regions of the same country. The general objective of this work is to present the dramatic contemporary theme of refugees in their reterritorialization processes. As a specific objective, it seeks to understand the alternatives of settlements for refugees that can allow a better quality of life,
in addition to social integration. As research method, a comparative analysis of the Dadaab and Kalobeyei refugee camps is carried out. The first, a traditional model in which immigrants are eternally dependent on a fragile and limited social welfare system, and the second, Kalobeyei, an innovative model, albeit incipient, that seeks the integration, freedom,
and social and economic evolution of refugees. In this way, it intends to present as a result possible (new) life perspectives for groups that are absolutely vulnerable and destitute.


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How to Cite

Miyamoto, J. (2023). Refugees: (re)territorialization and perspectives. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, 20, 1–19.



Research Article