Territory (and memory) from the residents' perspective

mental maps workshop with older adults





Older adults, Memory, Heritage workshops, Territory


We understand the importance of discussing the preservation of cultural heritage — more specifically urban — in small, recently founded cities, often lacking heritage policies, as in the case of Patrocínio Paulista (SP), and we recognize the articulation between community and government, a fundamental principle for actions that are more appropriate to the local context.
In this sense, this work aims to understand what the very residents consider the city's cultural heritage and represents their daily lives and their memories. Thus, from one of the methodologies used during a
master's research, through the development of mental maps, we aimed to reflect on the narrative (graphically represented) of the generation that has lived in the
place for the longest time, namely, older adults. As a result, through a careful analysis, a much more affective reading of the city is perceived, close to its reality, its
changes over time, and its underlying identity elements,
also seeking to overcome the historical-stylistic idea
based on the principles of exceptionality often linked to
heritage processes in the country for decades.


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Author Biographies

Beatriz Alves Goulart Rocha, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e Design

Claudia dos Reis e Cunha, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e Design


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How to Cite

Rocha, B. A. G., & Cunha, C. dos R. e. (2023). Territory (and memory) from the residents’ perspective: mental maps workshop with older adults. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, 20. https://doi.org/10.24220/2318-0919v20e2023a5234



Research Article