Socio-Spatial interpretation in traditional communities in the Amazon through the theory of Christopher Alexander
Inhabited spaces, Spatial representation, Traditional ways of living, Amazonian housing, Regional ParticularityAbstract
The traditional communities of the Amazon, in their daily lives, perform spatial practices that reproduce their cultural, social, and ancestral aspects. Therefore, they’re analyzed in this study to highlight their peculiar way of living with regard to the socially constructed inhabited space. A socio-spatial interpretation was carried out at Furo do Nazário, Pará, Brazil, and Ilha de Sababa, Maranhão, Brazil, using Christopher Alexander’s Fundamental Properties and Pattern Language as a
theoretical and instrumental basis of analysis, with emphasis on the aspects of connection and contrast. Thus, it was identified that the relationship between the built space and its use is particular and representative of each group. However, some elements show the existence of coherent similarities, which makes possible the characterization of traditional housing in the Amazon. The inhabited environment is an expression of
the spatial need of its users, and is built on the practice of inherited knowledge and in the daily life related to its territory.
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