The transformations of Cidade Baixa Neighborhood in Porto Alegre at 21st century




The objective of this article is to verify the transformation that has been taking place in the urban space of the city of Porto Alegre/RS in recent years. Particularly, Cidade Baixa neighborhood has been the object of changes in its architectural typologies, which impacts the urban landscape of the neighborhood, a situation that results from an urban regulation strongly marked by a marketing lobby. Through the flexibility of the parameters defined by the urban indices, land
restructuring has been practiced by providing new architectural typologies in pre-existing urban contexts. In order to carry out this analysis, Philippe Panerai's concepts are particularly addressed: the road, the land subdivision and the building. In addition to this perspective, David Harvey's approach is added to the analysis of the processes of expansion and/or intensification of land use, made possible by urban legislation and described according to what this author defines as the dynamics of “creative destruction”. Three real estate developments produced by the construction industry in the neighborhood were analyzed during the 2000s and 2010s.


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How to Cite

Mog, W., & Simões, J. D. C. (2022). The transformations of Cidade Baixa Neighborhood in Porto Alegre at 21st century. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, 19.



Dossiê: Forma urbana e cidade no século XXI