Walkability and urban form
a study on urban configuration and its influence on socio-spatial relashionships in Recife
Walkability, Configuration, Space Syntax, PedestriansAbstract
This paper investigates the relationship between walkability and spatial configuration to identify relevant parameters for the interpretation of the theme. It aims to understand what affects the choice, apprehension, and quality of the spaces used by people in their displacement, based on the following research questions: To what extent does the city's configuration
affect pedestrian sidewalk experience?; What elements affect pedestrian displacement on sidewalks? And what are the more relevant parameters/criteria to analyze walkability and urban space quality. The investigation is based on an exploratory analysis of concepts, data, and observation in an area in Recife (Pernambuco/Brazil), according to the Theory of The Social Logic of Space (Space Syntax), structured in two stages: exploratory (analysis of evaluative parameters of walkability
through literature review and methods observed); and confirmatory (field research). The results show that spatial configuration influences walkability, highlighting which aspects stimulate or restrict the act of walking, sometimes aligning with and sometimes denying the consulted literature. The barriers and permeabilities related to urban form guide the process
of choice of paths traced by pedestrians and means of transportation. The shape and size of the blocks, the connections of the road network, the length of the routes, among others, end up suggesting the way oftransiting, appropriating, and perceiving spaces.
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