The healing gallery and heliotherapy
the case of Hospital Sanatório Santa Terezinha in Salvador (Bahia, Brazil)
Sanatorium Architecture, Solar Light, TherapyAbstract
Antituberculosis architecture has a symbolic value in the history of science as it is a landmark of the direct contribution of medicine with architecture for the design of a specialized health care building. This work aims to present the historical relationship between the healing gallery and heliotherapy, based on an analysis of the environmental conditions of this therapeutic space in its original and current state. Simulations and measurements of environmental conditions related to the thermal comfort of the original and current conditions of Hospital Sanatório Santa Terezinha were carried out, because it is the only building built within the scientific premises of the sanatorium architecture of the city of Salvador (Bahia, Brazil). Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the space of the healing gallery, after interventions in the surrounding area and in its original spatiality (with the removal of partition walls), is established as a work of architectural
relevance to the history of the city.
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