Planning with the landscape

historical contacts and contemporary perspectives




Paisagem, planejamento, região, planejamento regional


In the history of relevant national and international practices of Urban and Regional Planning, the landscape
is a fundamental element in thinking spatial planning.
From the first proposals for the insertion of green areas in the city with the nascent Urbanism in the 19th century to the development of planning alternatives for regions, different approaches that took the landscape and its issues into account were consolidated in a territorial intervention model. This article seeks to unveil this contact and interaction between the landscape and Planning, considering the practices in the United States and Europe from the end of the 19th century to the 20th century. In this trajectory, a historical methodological perspective of this knowledge field linked to landscape is revealed as a strategy based on the necessary transit between scales from regional to local for the knowledge and intervention in a territory. This perspective that promotes the so-called multiscale in English-speaking countries greatly contributes to understanding the complexity of the territory, as well
as to the qualification of contemporary intervention planning and design process.


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How to Cite

Ragonha, J., & Schenk, L. B. M. (2022). Planning with the landscape: historical contacts and contemporary perspectives. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, 19, 1–16.



Research Article