Cities, evolution and urbanism

Marcel Poëte and Gaston Bardet




Evolution of cities, Gaston Bardet, Marcel Poëte, Urbanism, Rome


This article sets out to discuss the contributions of two twentieth-century theorists of urbanism, exploring the notion of the “evolution of cities” and how it marked their view of the cities of Paris and Rome. The first, Marcel Poëte, participated in the first institutions and organized the creation of the first urbanism course in France. The second, Gaston Bardet, was his student and developed a wide range of methodological investigations, books, articles, and courses in the field of urbanism. The interest in both is justified by having understood the city of the past and the future as a unit, something metaphorically similar to a living
organism in continuous evolution. Based on the notion
of “evolution”, both men sought to develop the manner
with which to perceive what they called the “life” and “soul” of the city, before any intervention plan or proposal. Through historical studies, formulated by Poëte, and through sociological investigations, developed by Bardet, urbanism should go beyond the limits of forms, of sectorized readings to encompass a complex totality.


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How to Cite

Pereira, J. M., & Pontual, V. (2022). Cities, evolution and urbanism: Marcel Poëte and Gaston Bardet. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, 19, 1–25.



Research Article