Informal settlements as a question

Review and perspectives




Rights, Informality, Urban Land, Urbanization


The issue of informal settlements occurred more than 60 years ago is a topic of research, debates and controversies in Latin America. They have been the form of housing and city production of the popular sectors, and they also express the inequities and contradic-tions of capitalist urbanization in our subcontinent. The present paper presents a brief chronology of definitions and approaches regarding the urban and housing processes of the poorest households, which in their struggle to live, end up building a city. As a land market, such a development is central to this analysis, as well as the symbolic burden of the issue of “ownership” and the tensions generated by urbanization and titling processes promoted by right-wing political positions. Also, a dialogue is also relevant to discuss the relationship that such a problem has with national housing policies and the influence of international organizations and national governments. After all, all of them have built the settlements as a problem. In this sense, we also briefly review the realities in the territory, and finally, question ourselves about the future.


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Author Biography

Raúl Fernández Wagner, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Instituto del Conurbano, Área de Urbanismo




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How to Cite

Fernández Wagner, R. (2018). Informal settlements as a question: Review and perspectives. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, 15(3), 399–411.



Dossier The future of slums in Latin America