Notes for a narrative on architecture helplessness




Desamparo, Mal‑estar, Teoria da arquitetura


The present text is part of a broader research that aims to decipher architectures and ur‑ban spaces that have helplessness and malaise as their creative impulses. This essay seeks to delineate a narrative that shelters these phenomena, analyzing studies and authors that work with related interpretative keys. The study of the concepts of Unheimlich(uncanny) and Unbehagen (malaise) from Sigmund Freud was the initial step. This momentary theoretical support also allowed to establish certain complicity with some concerns of Anthony Vidler, exposed in his books The Architectural Uncanny and War‑ped Spaces. Finally, the constellations and other epistemological and methodological considerations from Walter Benjamin were included, specifically those addressed in the study of the German Baroque.


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Author Biography

Lais Bronstein, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo | Programa de Pos‑graduacao em Arquitetura | Av. Pedro Calmon, 550, Sala 433, Cidade Universitaria, Ilha do Fundao, 21941‑901, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Bronstein, L. (2018). Notes for a narrative on architecture helplessness. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, 15(2), 233–245.