Na contramão do apartaide


  • Frederico de Holanda Universidade de Brasilia


Brasília, sociospatial segregation, income layers


Literature has stressed the fact that the distribution of income layers in the city has more to do with their insertion in the city at large (e.g. accessibility, distance form city centre etc.) than with local properties of places. The paper presents a case-study that does not conform to such findings. As a whole, sociospatial segregation in the Federal District in Brazil does relate to global properties of city space-form, but there are niches of poor people living in the heart
of the metropolis. Local properties of building and urban configurations are too important to
be ignored. Eight areas in the Federal District are discussed, from the richest to the poorest
regions in the Brazilian Capital. Data from socioeconomic census sectors are used in order to classify family incomes in five layers. It is shown how income layers change dramatically according to building types and city local properties, quite independent of distances from the CBD. It is commented how such findings are used by students in designing new boroughs, in order to achieve a desired balance among income layers in these areas. It is hoped that findings may support urban design and housing policies of the local government in order to redirect the city’s configuration, away from the perverse sociospatial segregation we find today.


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Author Biography

Frederico de Holanda, Universidade de Brasilia

Professor doutor Universidade de Brasília


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How to Cite

Holanda, F. de. (2006). Na contramão do apartaide. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, (6), 4–17. Retrieved from



Research Article