Innovative architectural design parameters for institutional housing based on older residents’ perceptions of ambiance
Aging, Architecture, Care homes, Long-term Care Facilities, Older peopleAbstract
The older population in Brazil has been growing exponentially, leading to a need for new housing alternatives, including more adequate options for long-term care facilities. Portugal has experienced this process for a longer period and serves as a relevant case for study. This research aimed to identify innovative architectural elements in institutional housing for older adults based on the Portuguese experience. Seven care homes in the Lisbon region served as case studies, where qualitative and exploratory research with 61 older residents was conducted. They were inquired about the ambiance of their homes, considering the physical and emotional environment. A questionnaire and semi-structured interview script were used along with field diaries. Data was categorized and analyzed using thematic content analysis. The responses were grouped into three domains: Environmental Comfort, Well-Being, and Belonging, and terms categorized into Advantages, Barriers, and Suggestions. Among the 16 subcategories defined,
aspects such as social interaction, agency, belonging, autonomy, and well-being in the institutional environment were mentioned. Regarding architectural parameters, it meant embedding in the design elements such as privacy in shared spaces, noise reduction, accommodation of personal objects and furniture, and stimulating spaces for socializing, among others. In conclusion, the perceptions of older people about the ambiance can serve as inspiration for creating innovative architectural designs in long-term care institutions in Brazil. It is up to architecture and urban planning professionals to carefully listen and understand the context of each institutional housing to creatively incorporate the most appropriate parameters for each reality in their designs.
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