Flows and displacement patterns in public transportation for the elderly in Belo Horizonte Metropolitan Region (MG)
Population aging, Urban mobility, Public policies, Public collective transportationAbstract
With the growing volume and proportion of elderly individuals in the Brazilian population, reflecting the
demographic transition process, it becomes essential to develop and implement public policies that prioritize
their quality of life, collective well-being, and the integration of this group into various aspects of urban life,
including access and mobility. Although there are many studies on population aging in Brazil, particularly in in
the fields of health and economics, it is important to broaden the thematic approach to include the discussions
on access, mobility, and the provision of public transportation, which are crucial for ensuring full citizenship and the right to the city. In this context, the main objective of this article is to analyze the flows and patterns of public transportation use by the elderly population in the Belo Horizonte Metropolitan Region, given the recent and significant aging process of the population. To achieve this, data from the 2002 and 2012 Origin-Destination Surveys and population figures from the 2000 and 2010 Demographic Censuses, mobility indicators and spatial patterns for bus-based public transportation are proposed. Overall, the results confirmed the expected increase in the total number of daily trips made by the elderly, surpassing projections based solely on demographic changes. Additionally, there was a less pronounced growth in the utilization of bus-based public transportation among the elderly, consistent with broader population trends. This scenario appears to follow an opposite path to the pursuit of sustainable urban mobility witch advocates for the public and/or active transportation, as recommended by federal and municipal sustainable mobility programs.
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