Self-concept dialectical transformation: A study in a women’s prison
Palabras clave:
Prisons, Self, Self-concept, Self-perception, WomenResumen
The present study investigated incarceration as a possible triggering factor of self-concept transformations. Self-concept consists of a set of multiple dimensions organized hierarchically functioning as cognitive schemas. It is a structural complex product of reflective activity, and it is susceptible to changes as the individual encounters new situations, life transitions, and social roles. To investigate the transformations in the self-concept structure, 150 incarcerated women responded to the Feminine Inventory of the Self-Concept’s Gender Schemas, Self-Concept Clarity Scale and Situational Self-Awareness Scale. The results showed dynamic and multidimensional organization of self-concept in the women investigated, including various categories of the self. The elements analyzed indicate that prison, an undesirable life event in adulthood, is a driver of transformations in the dynamics of self-concept.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Lysia Rachel Moreira BASÍLIO, Antonio ROAZZI, Alexsandro Medeiros do NASCIMENTO, José Arturo Costa ESCOBAR
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución 4.0.