Scale for Identification of Characteristics of Giftedness: Internal structure analysis


Palabras clave:

Gifted, Multivariate analysis, Self report, Test validity


Procedures used for identifying giftedness have been widely discussed in the literature. The present study aimed to investigate the evidence of validity based on the internal structure of a self-report scale to identify characteristics of giftedness. The sample consisted of 276 Elementary and Middle School students, aged between 9 and 12 years, and was 60.0% female. The instrument used was the first version of this scale, which was composed of 44 items related to the topic. Exploratory Factor Analysis was carried out, and the results revealed a two-factor solution, explaining 40.4% of the total variance. The first factor was denominated Socio-emotional Characteristics, and the second factor was denominated Cognitive Characteristics. The results corroborate the data in the scientific literature, which suggest that giftedness is a multidimensional construct that encompasses attributes that go beyond the intellectual scope.


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Cómo citar

ZAIA, P., NAKANO, T. de C., & PEIXOTO, E. M. (2023). Scale for Identification of Characteristics of Giftedness: Internal structure analysis. Estudos De Psicologia, 35(1). Recuperado a partir de

