Jealousy and anxiety in male domestic abusers: A comparative study


Palabras clave:

Anxiety, Jealousy, Violence against women


The present study aimed at investigating the relationship between partner’s jealousy and the anxiety level presented by male domestic abusers, comparing these variables with men of similar age, socio-economic status, and educational level, without a history of domestic violence. The sample consisted of 20 male abusers and 20 men without a history of violence towards their partner. A Batterer Semi-Structured Interview on Family of Origin; the Romantic Jealousy Scale; and the Beck Anxiety Inventory were used as instruments. The groups did not differ statistically regarding age, education, and income; however, they were statistically different regarding the variables jealousy and anxiety levels. Abusers presented higher scores on jealousy and anxiety than non-abusers It is suggested that jealousy combined with anxiety may contribute to intimate partner violence. Future studies could further investigate this possibility using larger samples.


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Cómo citar

PRIOLO FILHO, S. R., PADOVANI, R. da C., & WILLIAMS, L. C. de A. (2023). Jealousy and anxiety in male domestic abusers: A comparative study. Estudos De Psicologia, 36. Recuperado a partir de

