Being a truck driver in Brazil: From implicit self-stereotypes to system justification


Palabras clave:

Applied psychology, Mental health, Work, Workload, Workplaces


 Close to two million people currently work in Brazil’s road transport sector, the country’s leading logistical area. Most are self-employed individuals. The objective of this research project was to garner an understanding of the perceptions that Brazilian truck drivers hold regarding themselves. Eight experienced drivers were interviewed, starting from the question “What is it like being a truck driver in Brazil?”, and their responses were analyzed in accordance with social discourse studies. Five main categories – with specific subdivisions – were identified, relating to motivations to work in this area, contextual elements, and positive, group, and negative self-image. It is concluded that self-stereotypes play an important role in maintaining the situation of disadvantage and precarious working conditions that affect truck drivers.


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Cómo citar

MESSIAS, J. C., CAVIERES-HIGUERA, H., SILVA, R. A., FACUNDO, G. N. de S., & LESSA, R. T. (2023). Being a truck driver in Brazil: From implicit self-stereotypes to system justification. Estudos De Psicologia, 36. Recuperado a partir de

