Cognitive interventions and performance measures: a longitudinal study in elderly women
Palabras clave:
Cognition, Elderly, Neuropsychology, Physical fitnessResumen
Several types of cognitive interventions have been performed with elderly individuals to verify physical and quality of life benefits. The objective of this study was to verify if the cognitive gains found in two cognitive intervention programs are related to changes in the mood, quality of life and physical fitness variables (maximum oxygen consumption, lean mass, fat percentage and handgrip strength). A total of 39 elderly women from the Distrito Federal (Brazil), participating in a cognitive training group based on mnemonic strategies and a group of cognitive stimulation based on perceptual and attention exercises. Both groups showed a tendency to reduce depressive symptoms, an increase in their fat mass and a decrease in their lean mass. Taken together, these findings may contribute to identify the directionality of mnemonic interventions in Brazilian elderly individuals regarding the subjective and physical performance variables.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Isabelle Patriciá Freitas Soares CHARIGLIONE, Henrique Salmazo da SILVA, Gislane Ferreira de MELO, Karla Helena Coelho Vilaça e SILVA, Maria Liz Cunha de OLIVEIRA
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución 4.0.