Edu-Car for life and career: evaluation of a program


Palabras clave:

Emotional intelligence, High School, Professional competence, Program evaluation


Considering the relevance of the development of socio-emotional and career skills to deal with educational and occupational transitions, this study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Edu-Car Program, which purpose is the development of socio-emotional and career competence. From the quasi-experimental design with intervention and comparison groups, 116 high school students from the 10th year, of two public schools in the interior of the State of São Paulo, specifically 60 girls and 56 boys, with mean age of 15, participated. The Social and Emotional or Non-cognitive Nationwide Assessment, called Senna 1.0 and the Career Education Questionnaire, were used as pre and post-test instruments. For the inter and intra-group comparison the T-Test was used for independent and paired samples. The results show that the intervention had significant effects on career exploration, with more search for help and/or information from different people and sources.


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Cómo citar

LEAL, M. de S., MELO-SILVA, L. L., & TAVEIRA, M. do C. (2023). Edu-Car for life and career: evaluation of a program. Estudos De Psicologia, 37. Recuperado a partir de

