Anxiety and depression in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Palabras clave:
GAD-7, Health personnel, Mental disorders, PHQ-9, SARS-CoV-2Resumen
To investigate the prevalence and associated factors of depression and anxiety among hospital healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in the extreme south of Brazil.
Cross-sectional study was conducted with 264 healthcare workers, between August and December 2020. Depression and anxiety were assessed using the Patient Health Questionnaire and the Generalized Anxiety Scale. Multivariable linear regression analysis was performed.
The prevalence of depression and anxiety among healthcare workers was 32.4% and 26.2%, respectively. The profession of nursing technician, having a family member who had lost a job, being responsible for family income, being 50 or more years old, being divorced or widowed, having a test for COVID-19, having suffered a traumatic event in life and having received psychological counseling at work were associated with depression and anxiety.
In this study, receiving psychological counseling at work was a protective factor for anxiety and depression.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Tyele Goulart Peres, Marina Scarlet Meira Tramontina, Linjie Zhang, Ivy Bastos Ramis

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