Teaching differential diagnosis with Anakin Skywalker
the duel between borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder
Previous publications have focused on a leading pop culture phenomenon, Star Wars, to teach nseveral issues in psychiatry, which can make understanding challenging themes easier. This article delves into matters of differential diagnoses regarding two psychiatric disorders.
We examine and compare the symptoms and specificities of borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder in the light of the fictional villain of the films, Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker.
Results and Conclusion
Our considerations of his diagnosis should be interpreted as an academic exercise with two main goals: to discuss the differential diagnosis between borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder in an illustrative, soft, and ludic way; and to teach how to connect one’s behaviors with diagnostic criteria – in this case, those related to borderline personality disorder
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Derechos de autor 2023 Lucas de Francisco CARVALHO, Fabiano Koich MIGUEL, Giselle PIANOWSKI
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