Theoretical-methodological rationales in caring for family members of people with alcohol use disorders
Palabras clave:
Alcohol abuse, Family relation, Professional practicesResumen
The present study aims to understand the theoretical-methodological rationales which guide psychological care practices for family members of people with alcohol use disorders.
For this theoretical-reflective study we conducted a systematic search for literature review articles to learn about the modality of interventions, their theoretical-methodological frameworks and clinical or efficacy results. Afterwards, a complementary search for articles and book chapters was conducted to map and analyze the most used professional care practices and their theoretical assumptions.
We identified six theoretical-methodological rationales that guide the professional’s clinical reasoning in caring for family members, which are organized around key concepts about their emotional suffering: 1) family stress; 2) family dynamics; 3) behavioral repertoire deficit; 4) codependency; 5) inflexibility; 6) potential for psychological change.
The identification of these rationales can aid professionals when planning their practices in a critical and informed manner.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Antonio Richard CARIAS, Tânia Mara Marques GRANATO
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